- Lawrence Late Radio Show
- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
- Germantown High School Band Department
- Tadepec Studios
- MatthewMohns.com
- Goon Squad Horde WoW Guild
Web Design Lite
In addition to full service design I occasionally help small organizations (primarily charities and school/student groups) to work through some of the more technical details of setting up a small website (domain registration, hosting, default CMS systems) and preparing their staff to build and maintain it without extensive design work on my part.

Duck Farm
Duck Farm is a set of example/demo applications that I have used in the past to explore new technologies and software environments. Versions have been written for the classic Mac OS, Mac OS X Carbon and Cocoa (C / Objective-C respectively), command line/UNIX in Java and C++. The most recent and most complete is Duck Farm Online, a realtime MMO strategy game done in 2003 as an exploration of the LAMP platform.

Graphing Paper
Traditional graph paper covers the entire page with a dense graph. This is not ideal for many uses of graph paper that I have come across. These sheets combine a half centimeter square or polar area for graph content with horizontally ruled areas for other calculations.